
Exam AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (Video)

Exam AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions (Video)

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  • Copyright 2022
  • Edition: 1st
  • Online Video
  • ISBN-10: 0-13-790591-2
  • ISBN-13: 978-0-13-790591-1


10+ Hours of Video Instruction


Kickstart your Microsoft Exam AZ-700 Designing and Implementing Microsoft Azure Networking Solutions preparation and build the beginning foundation for your journey to becoming a Microsoft Certified Azure Network Engineer Associate.

According to Microsoft, most of the Microsoft Azure support issues concern networking. Why? Because the subject is inherently complex, especially in cloud computing's software defined networking (SDN) architecture. Learn what to expect on the AZ-700 exam, and how to pass it.


This course teaches network engineers the AZ-700 coverage: how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions. This course covers the process of designing, implementing, and managing core Azure networking infrastructure, hybrid networking connections, load balancing traffic, network routing, private access to Azure services, and network security and monitoring. The learner will gain knowledge on how to design and implement a secure, reliable network infrastructure in Azure and how to establish hybrid connectivity, routing, private access to Azure services, and monitoring in Azure.

Skill Level


What You Will Learn

How to

  • Understand Azure virtual networks
  • Design and implement hybrid networking
  • Design and implement Azure ExpressRoute
  • Load balance non-HTTP(s) traffic in Azure
  • Load balance HTTP(s) traffic in Azure
  • Design and implement network security
  • Design and implement private access to Azure Services
  • Design and implement network monitoring

Who Should Take This Course

Network engineers (aspiring or practicing)

Course Requirements


  • Understanding of on-premises virtualization technologies, including VMs, virtual networking, and virtual hard disks
  • Understanding of network configurations, including TCP/IP, Domain Name System (DNS), virtual private networks (VPNs), firewalls, and encryption technologies
  • Understanding of software-defined networking
  • Understanding of hybrid network connectivity methods, such as VPN
  • Understanding of resilience and disaster recovery, including high availability and restore operations regarding networking

About the Publisher

Microsoft Press creates IT books and references for all skill levels across the range of Microsoft technologies: https://www.microsoftpressstore.com/

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Sample Content

Table of Contents


Module 1: Introduction to Azure Virtual Networks

Lesson 1:Explore Azure Virtual Networks

1.1 Understand Azure virtual networks

1.2 Understand virtual network address space

1.3 Understand virtual subnets

1.4 Understand private IP addresses

1.5 Understand regions and subscriptions

1.6 Create a virtual network

1.7 Run through a demonstration

Lesson 2:Configure Public IP Services

2.1 Understand public IP addresses

2.2 Choose the appropriate SKU for a public IP

2.3 Create a public IP address

2.4 Run through a demonstration

2.5 Lab, Set the stage: Design and implement IP addressing for Azure virtual networks

2.6 Lab, Students: Deploy an Azure virtual network and configure the subnets

Lesson 3:Design Name Resolution for Your Virtual Network

3.1 Understand public DNS

3.2 Create Azure DNS zones

3.3 Host your domain on Azure DNS

3.4 Add DNS record sets

3.5 Understand private DNS service

3.6 Create an Azure private DNS

3.7 Understand private zones

3.8 Run through a demonstration

3.9 Lab, Set the stage: Configure DNS name resolution

3.10 Lab, Students: Verify the configuration

Lesson 4:Enable Cross-VNet Connectivity with Peering

4.1 Configure virtual network peering

4.2 Configure virtual network peering: gateway transit and connectivity

4.3 Understand service chaining

4.4 Run through a demonstration

4.5 Lab, Set the stage: Create virtual network peering

4.6 Lab, Students: Configure connectivity between two VNets by adding peerings

Lesson 5:Implement Virtual Network Traffic Routing

5.1 Understand virtual network traffic routing

5.2 Configure user-defined routes

5.3 Configure forced tunneling

5.4 Configure Azure route server

5.5 Diagnose a routing problem

5.6 Run through a demonstration

Lesson 6:Configure Internet Access with Azure Virtual NAT

6.1 Choose when to use a virtual network NAT

6.2 Coexistence of inbound and outbound

6.3 Deploy Azure virtual NAT

6.4 Run through a demonstration

Module 2: Design and Implement Hybrid Networking

Lesson 7:Design and Implement Azure VPN Gateway

7.1 Plan a VPN gateway

7.2 Create the gateway subnet

7.3 Understand VPN gateway configuration

7.4 Understand VPN gateway types

7.5 Choose the appropriate gateway SKU

7.6 Create the local network gateway

7.7 Configure the on-premises VPN device

7.8 Create the VPN connection

7.9 Understand high availability options for VPN connections

7.10 Diagnose and resolve virtual network gateway connectivity issues

7.11 Run through a demonstration

7.12 Lab, Set the stage: Deploy a VPN gateway

7.13 Lab, Students: Configure a virtual network gateway to connect core services and VNet

Lesson 8:Connect Networks with Site-to-Site and Point-to-Site VPN Connections

8.1 Understand site-to-site VPN connections

8.2 Choose between Azure VNet peering and VNet gateways

8.3 Understand Point-to-Site protocols

8.4 Understand Point-to-Site authentication methods

8.5 Prepare Point-to-Site configuration

Lesson 9:Connect Remote Resources by Using Azure Virtual WAN

9.1 Understand Azure virtual WAN

9.2 Choose a virtual WAN SKU

9.3 Create virtual hub

9.4 Connect cross-tenant virtual networks to a virtual WAN hub

9.5 Understand virtual hub routing

9.6 Run through a demonstration

9.7 Lab, Set the stage: Steps needed to create a virtual WAN

9.8 Lab, Students: Create a virtual WAN by using the Azure portal

Lesson 10:Create a Network Virtual Appliance (NVA) in a Virtual Hub

10.1 Manage an NVA in a virtual hub

10.2 Deploy an NVA in your virtual hub

Module 3: Designing and Implementing Azure ExpressRoute

Lesson 11:Explore Azure ExpressRoute

11.1 Understand Azure ExpressRoute capabilities and use cases

11.2 Understand ExpressRoute connectivity models

11.3 Understand ExpressRoute service models and types

11.4 Use Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) with ExpressRoute

11.5 Configure encryption over ExpressRoute

11.6 Integrate site-to-site VPN and ExpressRoute

11.7 Create a zone-redundant VNET gateway in Azure availability zones

11.8 Use cross-region connectivity to link multiple ExpressRoute

Lesson 12:Design an ExpressRoute Deployment

12.1 Understand ExpressRoute SKUs

12.2 Choose a peering location

12.3 Choose the right ExpressRoute Circuit and billing model


12.5 Lab, Set the stage: Configure an ExpressRoute Gateway

12.6 Lab, Students: Connect Azure virtual network and on-premises network via ExpressRoute

12.7 Lab, Set the stage: Provision an ExpressRoute circuit

12.8 Lab, Students: Create and provision an ExpressRoute circuit

Lesson 13:Configure Peering for an ExpressRoute Deployment

13.1 Configure private peering

13.2 Configure Microsoft peering

13.3 Choose between private peering, Microsoft peering, or both

13.4 Create route filters

Lesson 14:Connect an ExpressRoute Circuit to a Virtual Network, Connect Geographically Dispersed Networks with ExpressRoute Global Reach, and Improve Data Path Performance Between Networks

14.1 Connect virtual network to an ExpressRoute circuit

14.2 Verify virtual network connectivity to ExpressRoute

14.3 Choose when to use ExpressRoute Global Reach

14.4 Configure ExpressRoute Global Reach

14.5 Understand ExpressRoute FastPath

14.6 Configure ExpressRoute FastPath

Lesson 15:Troubleshoot ExpressRoute Connection Issues

15.1 Verify circuit provisioning and state through the Azure portal

15.2 Validate peering configuration

15.3 Validate Address Resolution Protocol

15.4排除净work performance

Module 4: Load Balance Non-HTTP(S) Traffic in Azure

Lesson 16:Explore Load Balancing Options

16.1 Understand a load balancer

16.2 Understand load balancing options for Azure

16.3 Choose a load balancing option

16.4 Run through a demonstration

Lesson 17:Design and Implement Azure Load Balancer

17.1 Choose a load balancer type

17.2探索蓝色e load balancer and availability zones

17.3 Determine load balancer SKUs

17.4 Create load balancer in the Azure portal

17.5 Create backend pools

17.6 Create health probes

17.7 Create load balancer rules

17.8 Configure session persistence

17.9 Configure outbound traffic with standard load balancer

17.10 Lab, Set the stage: Create and configure an Azure load balancer steps

17.11 Lab, Students: Create an internal load balancer

Lesson 18:Explore Azure Traffic Manager

18.1 Understand the use cases for Azure Traffic Manager

18.2 Describe Azure Traffic Manager

18.3 Understand traffic routing methods

18.4 Understand Traffic Manager endpoints

18.5 Configure Traffic Manager profiles

18.6 Configure endpoint monitoring

18.7 Run through a demonstration

18.8 Lab, Set the stage: Create a Traffic Manager profile steps

18.9 Lab, Students: Create a Traffic Manager profile

Module 5: Load Balance HTTP(S) Traffic in Azure

Lesson 19:Design and Configure Azure Application Gateway

19.1 Understand Application Gateway features

19.2 Determine Application Gateway routing

19.3 Choose an Azure Application Gateway SKU

19.4 Plan and Configure Application Gateway

19.5 Configure Health Probes

19.6 Configure Listeners

19.7 Understand Application Gateway redirection

19.8 Choose Application Gateway request routing rules

19.9 Configure URL-based routing

19.10 Configure rewrite sets

19.11 Run through a demonstration

19.12 Lab, Set the stage: Deploy Azure Application Gateway steps

19.13 Lab, Students: Create an application gateway and test it

Lesson 20:Design and Configure Azure Front Door

20.1 Understand Azure Front Door

20.2 Compare Azure Front Door to Front Door Standard/Premium

20.3 Create a Front Door in the Azure portal

20.4 Configure routing and redirection rules

20.5 Configure (origin) backend targets

20.6 Configure health probes

20.7 Secure Front Door with TLS and end-to-end encryption

20.8 Run through a demonstration

20.9 Lab, Set the stage: Deploy Azure Front Door for a highly available web application

20.10 Lab, Students: Set up Azure Front Door that pools two instances of a web application

Module 6: Design and Implement Network Security

Lesson 21:Network Security with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

21.1 Understand network security controls


21.3 Use Microsoft Defender for Cloud for regulatory compliance

21.4 Identify alerts in Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Lesson 22:Deploy Azure DDoS Protection

22.1 Understand Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)

22.2 Understand types of DDoS attacks

22.3 Describe Azure DDoS protection standard

22.4 Identify Azure DDoS protection features

22.5 Deploy a DDoS protection plan

22.6 Run through a demonstration

22.7 Lab, Set the stage: Deploy DDoS protection on a virtual network

22.8 Lab, Students: Create a virtual network, configure DDoS Protection, and simulate an attack

Lesson 23:Deploy and Configure Network Security Groups

23.1 Understand Network Security Groups (NSGs)

23.2 Identify default NSG rules

23.3 Recognize NSG effective rules

23.4 Create NSG rules

23.5 Use service tags to define network access controls

23.6 Understand Application Security Groups (ASG)

23.7 Run through a demonstration

Lesson 24:Design and Implement Azure Firewall

24.1 Understand Azure Firewall features

24.2 Identify rule processing in Azure Firewall

24.3 Deploy Azure Firewall in the Azure portal

24.4 Deploy Azure Firewall in a hub-spoke network topology

24.5 Compare Azure Firewall to Network Security Groups

24.6 Lab, Set the stage: Deploy and configure Azure Firewall steps

24.7 Lab, Students: Deploy and test a firewall and firewall policy

Lesson 25:使用Azure防火墙管理器

25.1 Understand Azure Firewall Manager features

25.2 Understand Azure Firewall Manager policies

25.3 Compare Azure Firewall Manager for hub virtual networks and secured virtual hubs

25.4 Deploy Azure Firewall Manager

25.5 Lab, Set the stage: Secure virtual hub using Azure Firewall Manager steps

25.6 Lab, Students: Create secure virtual hub and connect the hub and spoke virtual networks

Lesson 26:Implement a Web Application Firewall

26.1 Understand Web Application Firewall

26.2 Understand Web Application Firewall policy modes

26.3 Identify Web Application Firewall Default Rule Set, rule groups, and rules

26.4 Locate Web Application Firewall Custom Rules

26.5 Create a Web Application Firewall policy on Azure Front Door

Module 7: Design and Implement Private Access to Azure Services

Lesson 27:Explain Virtual Network Service Endpoints

27.1 Understand Service Endpoints

27.2 Understand Service Tags

27.3 Add service endpoints to a subnet

27.4 Run through a demonstration

27.5 Lab, Set the stage: Restrict network access to PaaS resources steps

27.6 Lab, Students: Restrict network access to PaaS resources

Lesson 28:Define Private Link Services and Private Endpoints

28.1 Understand Azure Private Link

28.2 Understand Azure Private Endpoint

28.3 Understand Azure Private Link service

28.4 Identify Private Link service workflow

28.5 Plan private endpoints

28.6 Run through a demonstration

28.7 Lab, Set the stage: Create an Azure Private Endpoint steps

28.8 Lab, Students: Create a private endpoint for an Azure web app

Lesson 29:Integrate Private Endpoint with DNS

29.1 Understand Azure Private Endpoint DNS configuration

29.2 Remember IP address

29.3 Understand Azure services Private DNS zone configuration

29.4 Examine virtual network workloads without custom DNS server

29.5 Identify on-premises workloads using DNS forwarder

29.6 Integrate virtual network and on-premises workloads using DNS forwarder

Lesson 30:Integrate Your Application with Azure Virtual Networks

30.1 Recognize VNet integration options for Azure PaaS services

30.2 Configure App Service for regional VNet integration

30.3 Configure the virtual network for integration with App Service

30.4 Associate App Service with virtual network

30.5 Identify network options for Azure Kubernetes Service

Module 8: Design and Implement Network Monitoring

Lesson 31:Monitor Your Networks Using Azure Monitor

31.1 Understand Azure Monitor

31.2 Examine Metrics Explorer

31.3 Explore Azure Monitor Network Insights

31.4 Lab, Set the stage: Steps to monitor a load balancer resource

31.5 Lab, Students: Create Log Analytics workspace and use Azure Monitor Insights

Lesson 32:Monitor Your Networks Using Azure Network Watcher

32.1 Understand Azure Network Watcher

32.2 Identify Network Topology

32.3 Examine Connection Monitor

32.4 Use IP Flow Verify

32.5 Use NSG Diagnostic Tool

32.6 Use Next Hop

32.7 Use Effective Security Rules

32.8 Examine VPN Troubleshoot

32.9 Interpret Packet Capture

32.10 Examine Connection Troubleshoot

32.11 Investigate NSG Flow Logs

32.12 Analyze Traffic Analytics



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