
Robert Annis

Robert Annisstarted as a project manager, and the last couple of decades have led him through Scrum master roles to Agile coach and trainer to organizational transformation and leadership coaching…to now, simply change enabler. He works with leadership to help transform their organizations to enable positive change and increase their competitiveness.

Robert has delivered training and coaching at Harvard and Villanova universities, to enterprises (including Lloyds of London, GlaxoSmithKline, Shell, Dell EMC, United Airlines, Bank of America, BNY Mellon, HP Madrid) and to governmental groups (US Dept. of Labor Statistics). This has led to a truly international body of work in many places and with many cultures; Macedonia, Poland, Spain, Turkey, India, Ireland, Spain, Australia, USA, and the UK.

Robert hopes that you find this course useful and that he can work with you one day.

Connect with him on LinkedIn (www.linkedin.com/in/robannis) or Twitter (@TheAgileShark).