
Coding Dojo

Coding Dojo provides rigorous, comprehensive full-stack development training programs to meet the career goals of both aspiring developers and industry veterans. Students can choose to learn three out of five of the industry’s most in-demand web and mobile development languages: Ruby on Rails, LAMP, MEAN, Python and Swift/iOS. Coding Dojo’s curriculum is not only in-depth, but also job relevant.

Four Coding Dojo instructors contribute lessons to this video course:

Mike Hannon, whose background in computer science and web development started with visualization of conserved promoter regions of upstream DNA regulatory sequences while a post¿doctoral researcher at UCSD. He has been coding ever since. For the last year he has been involved with Coding Dojo in a variety of capacities, primarily helping students improve their web¿ development skills using JavaScript and Python.

Todd Enders, whose experience with web development was jump¿started when he pursued a Masters in Computing that led him to the visualization of remote sensing of surface temperatures using both the D3js library and GoogleMaps API.

Charlie Mead, who began programming following a career in financial journalism and analysis at Bloomberg News, where many¿ a ¿story began with an Excel macro he wrote to help parse bond¿ market data. That developed into a fascination of software and a decision to change his life by joining Coding Dojo.

Speros Misirlakis, who was born in Athens, Greece and moved to the States in 1998.